Morphic Resonance

2nd September 2024. Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Paranormal Theories. 988 page views. 0 comments.

Is morphic resonance the reason we can receive messages from the other side? Is our brain a receiver? Is it biology or is it cosmic? Let's explore!

Morphic Resonance is a concept discussed by famous researcher Rupert Sheldrake.  

It is:

“the idea of mysterious telepathy-type interconnections between organisms and of collective memories within species”.  

I have written before about the concept of Animal Telepathy.  Morphic resonance is thought to be one of the reasons that animals have this ability.  Sheldrake likens the human brain to be more like a tv receiver rather than a video recorder which is a very powerful statement when you liken it to paranormal phenomena.  Just what signals is the brain capable of receiving?  Is this what allows us to receive messages we believe are from the other side?

The hypothesis for morphic resonance was first written about in Sheldrake's book “A new Science in Life” (1981).  It states that memory is not necessarily stored inside our brains.  

“The fields organizing the activity of the nervous system are likewise inherited through morphic resonance, conveying a collective, instinctive memory. Each individual both draws upon and contributes to the collective memory of the species. This means that new patterns of behaviour can spread more rapidly than would otherwise be possible. For example, if rats of a particular breed learn a new trick in Harvard, then rats of that breed should be able to learn the same trick faster all over the world, say in Edinburgh and Melbourne.

The resonance of a brain with its own past states also helps to explain the memories of individual animals and humans. There is no need for all memories to be "stored" inside the brain.”
Rupert Sheldrake

Sheldrake’s theory is that the morphic fields in the world that surround us, crystalise on a cellular level that gives us these memories or learned habits.  As humanity evolves, so do these patterns of activity.  A morphic field is said to help influence birds flying in a flock right down to a person feeling like they are being stared at.   

“Through morphic resonance, the patterns of activity in self-organizing systems are influenced by similar patterns in the past, giving each species and each kind of self-organizing system a collective memory.”

While the spiritual community and many researchers live by this theory, the general scientific community does not accept this hypothesis.  It is often compared with Ervin Laszlo’s theory of the Akashic Field. While this is also not widely accepted, it. talks about memory on a cosmic level rather than one based on biology.

Akashic Field

Laszlo’s theory is that all of the information within our history starting from the big bang to this very moment is in itself a form of consciousness.  He proposes that everything has consciousness.  From plants to stones to trees and clouds he states that if one sub-atomic particle reacts in line with another particle somewhere else in the universe, it is an example that one is aware of what the other is doing and is therefore conscious.  He goes on to question if all particles in the universe itself then are indeed conscious.  He goes on to theorise that the quantum vacuum is what stores the information from our past.

“The quantum vacuum, it appears, transports light, energy, pressure, and sound. Could it have a further property by means of which it cor­relates separate and possibly distant events? Could it create the corre­lations that make for the amazing coherence of the quantum, of the organism, of consciousness - and of the whole universe? The vacuum could indeed have such a property. It could be not just a superdense sea of energy, but also a sea of information.” 
Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything (2004) Ervin Lasko

Quite simply, Lasko believes that the universe stores a memory of everything that has ever happened and relates it to all that is still yet to happen.  The akashic field is said to be the interconnecting source that allows us to access these records

“While it is quite a complicated and complex area rooted within quatum physics, the premis is simple.  Our consciousness is said in this theory to belong to cosmos or the universe.  

Is the information reaching our consciousness limited to our bodily senses - do we see the world through "five slits in the tower"? Or can we "open the roof to the sky"? The informed universe gives us not only a new view of the world, but also a new view of life and of mind. It per­mits our brains and minds to access a broad band of information, well beyond the information conveyed by our eyes and ears. We are, or can be, literally "in touch" with almost any part of the world, whether here on Earth or beyond in the cosmos.”

While there are theories out there, they are just that.  They are theories.  Maybe that is why we still do not have any answers all of these years later.  Maybe we are not supposed to know the answer and that there could be the key itself.  While we do not know the secrets of our consciousness, we debate about the afterlife and psychic ability looking for solid proof.  It may never come.  

Acceptance and belief are something we will never likely see.   A large part of this lies in the fact that many of those who have claimed to possess the abilities were later found out to be frauds.  When tested or put on the spot by researchers, they were found to be deliberately faking their ability for monetary gain.  While you may think about YouTube videos that are very obviously fake or some of the paranormal reality shows that exaggerate certain things, the concept of deception is sadly not modern nor something that will go away anytime soon.  There are some that maintained the people caught faking it did in fact have genuine ability, it just was not able to be replicated under testing and in order to 'save face' they felt the need to fake activity.

Where does this leave us in the paranormal field and what is the way forward with our research?  What do you think about morphic resonance and the akashic field?  Is it cosmic or biology?  Is our brain a receiver that allows us a glimpse into other realms?



An introduction to parapsychology 5th edition by Harvey J. Irwin, Caroline A. Watt'

Parapsychology: a Handbook for the 21st CenturyEtzel Cardeña,, John Palmer, David Marcusson-Clavertz (2015)

Lifetime by Dr Lyall Watson (1979)

'The Hundredth Monkey" by Ken Keyes, Jr (1982)

A new Science in Life Rupert Sheldrake (1981)

Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything (2004) Ervin Lasko

Voluntary out-of-body experience: an fMRI study. By Andra M.Smith and Claude Messier (2014)
Hum. Neurosci., 10 February 2014

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