Classic spooky movies to watch on a cold long weekend

7th June 2024. Reading Time: 3 minutes General. 712 page views. 0 comments.

While for many of you, the ideal Saturday night consists of a dark building, a case of equipment and hopefully some ghosts, there is also nothing better than a comfy Saturday night on the couch.  If you are still after your paranormal fix, here are some classic spooky movies to send a 'tingle' up your spine.

I have previously written an article: 3 OLD ghost movies for a comfy Saturday night.  We had a look The Uninvited (1944), House on Haunted Hill (1959) and 13 Ghosts (1960).  I don't know about you but I have watched these movies several times.  I even have a little House on Haunted Hill shrine in my office.

With this in mind, I thought it was time to add to this list and explore some older 'spooky' themed movies!  You may not have seen them, or maybe it has been a really long time. While for many of you, the ideal Saturday night consists of a dark building, a case of equipment and hopefully some ghosts, there is also nothing better than a comfy Saturday night on the couch.  If you are still after your paranormal fix, here are some classic spooky movies to send a 'tingle' up your spine.

The Tingler  (1959)

You have probably realised by now that I am a huge Vincent Price fan so he is always going to make every list I make!  The Tingler is a movie based on the concept of fear.  Price plays a Scientist who finds a parasite that feeds on a person's fear, sometimes leading them to death.  This is supposedly why you feel a 'tingle' up your spine when you are scared.  It is a very cheesy movie by the king of cheesy gimmicks Director William Castle.  When the film was released in cinemas, Castle rigged certain seats with a device called 'Percepto' which would send a vibrating shock in a cinemagoer's seat during a key moment in the film.  I am not going to spoil it because it is glorious cheesy fun, but the movie itself even inspired a blog article called Feeding off fear.

The Haunting (1963)

There is a bit of confusion over this movie where some believe that it is based on a true story.  The movie is based on a book The Haunting of Hill House, which is a work of fiction.  The book was inspired by tales of many famous haunting during the era with the most notable being Borley Rectory.  The plot surrounds Dr John Markway who invites a group of what we could call ghost hunters to get some answers over some of the weird occurrences that have been connected to the house over the last 90 years.  By the end of the movie, you may just be wondering is it the house that is haunted or is it the people?  This movie/book has been remade several times into movies and TV series, however this is considered the best adaptation and is usually top of the list as one of the best ghost movies of all time.

The Ghost and Mrs Muir (1947)

By now you have probably seen the meme on social media which may have led you to find this delightful movie.  This one used to be a favourite of my Mum's, so I have been watching this since I was little.  A widow finds solace in a little seaside cottage that she rents intrigued by the claims of a haunting by a grumpy sea captain.

The resident ghost who previously scared people away from his quaint cottage invites his new guest to stay, embarking on a friendship that allows Mrs Muir to tell the old sea captain's story in a book they write together.  The rest as they say, is history.  A classic tale that warms the heart and doesn't play into the normal trope that ghosts are just out to get you!  In fact it seems it is a reminder that ghosts were once people too and have their own story and truth to tell.  Some ever claim this to be one of the best movies ever made!

Of course, there are so many more I could add to this list, but now it is over to you!  What are your favourite old ghost movies?

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