Fort Nepean on the edge of the peninsula in Victoria, played a critical part of Victoria's defences from the 1880's until 1945. It was the largest and the most heavily armed fortification under the command from Fort Queenscliff, in the network of forts around the entrance to port Phillip. On August 5th 1914, the German vessel SS Pfalz was attempting to leave Port Phillip as war had been declared by the British Empire 4 hours earlier. The order was given from Fort Queenscliff to the Fire Commander at Fort Nepean to 'stop or sink her'. The B1 gun fired a warning shot at 12:45pm across the bow of the ship. It was a surprise to one patron on board who was an Australian. There was an Australian pilot Captain on board who had a brief physical altercation with the German Captain as the Aussie felt that they had to stop and surrender as the next shot would not be a warning. The vessel surrendered and returned to Port Phillip where the occupants were arrested as Prisoners of war. This was the first shot fired, which official signified the beginning of World War 1. These photos are of the actual gun emplacement where this historic moment took place. The actual barrel gun 1489 that took the first shot of WW1 is on display in the parade yard alongside barrel gun 1317 which fired Australia's first shot in World War 2. (1489 is the gun on the left of the photo)