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701 blog articles found.

Beat your fear by empowering yourself with information

17th October 2018 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Paranormal Investigation. 1446 views. 0

Some people go into an investigation absolutely petrified due to misconceptions about the paranormal. By the end of the night they are ready for more because they realise it is nothing like they thought. Kids can be scared witless of things they think go bump in the night. When they learn what is really causing these noises etc, they are not scared anymore, because they are empowered by knowledge. Beat fear with knowledge

Conversations with a Paranormal Investigator ... Todd from Greater Sydney Paranormal Investigations

14th October 2018 Reading Time: 3 minutes Conversations with a paranormal investigator, General. 1644 views. 2

Todd is a paranormal investigator from Sydney Australia. This year he has started a new paranormal group and was recently featured in the Daily Telegraph Newspaper.

The Rabbit Illusion

10th October 2018 Reading Time: 3 minutes General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 2922 views. 1

Researchers have created a visual illusion in order to demonstrate a little brain trick called postdiction.  It has been nicknamed the ‘Rabbit Illusion’. It highlights the brain's tendency to 'fill in the blanks' and makes us perceive things differently to how they actually were.

The answers aren't all on the internet

4th October 2018 Reading Time: 6 minutes General, Paranormal Investigation. 1930 views. 1

Instead of using the internet as our source of information, should we be out there actually looking for answers? Maybe we also need to get off our smartphones and hand held cameras during an investigation and even put the equipment down, we could be missing something!

The Amityville Horror

3rd October 2018 Reading Time: 8 minutes Famous Paranormal Cases, General. 3841 views. 2

The case of the Amityville horror is probably one of the most well known paranormal cases in the world. It spawned many books, documentaries and was made into around 17 movies. It was the case that projected famous investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren into the spotlight and has been plagued with controversy and court cases. It has since been said to be a hoax by one of the parties involved, however over 40 years later, it still remains as one of the most well known paranormal cases in the world.

Conversations with a Paranormal Investigator ... Mike from PINK Paranormal

29th September 2018 Reading Time: 11 minutes Conversations with a paranormal investigator, General. 1420 views. 0

This week I head back over to the USA and chat to Mike from PINK Paranormal

Purple Monkey Dishwasher

29th September 2018 Reading Time: 6 minutes General, Paranormal Investigation. 4007 views. 0

While you may attribute the phrase Purple Monkey Dishwasher to an episode of the Simpsons, it actually really means you need you to check where you are getting your information. Remember when you would play Chinese Whispers in school and you would end up with 'purple monkey dishwasher' type phrases? When you think of this, one has to wonder how much you can rely on paranormal reports, especially when told through a line of people.

Victorian mourning customs

28th September 2018 Reading Time: 4 minutes General. 3364 views. 4

During the Victorian period, there was a certain etiquette to be followed when someone passed away. From formal attire to post mortem photography, it is how the deceased were mourned and honoured during the 1800s.

Conversations with a Paranormal Investigator .... Penny from Haunted Histories Parasearch Radio

24th September 2018 Reading Time: 6 minutes Conversations with a paranormal investigator, General. 2591 views. 0

Penny from the UK is a historian, paranormal enthusiast and host on a radio program Haunted Histories on Parasearch Radio.

Disembodied voices

21st September 2018 Reading Time: 6 minutes Stuff paranormal investigators need to know, General. 5074 views. 4

There are a lot of fancy terms to describe certain paranormal experiences. One of those is a 'disembodied voice'. What exactly is it? Is it different to EVP? What are some explanations for this phenomena? I look at it from a few different angles to get you up to speed.